söndag 26 april 2009

Blog Assignment #2: The Fascination of a TV series

What most TV series have in common is that you easily fall into some kind of trance when you watch them and then wake up 30-50 minutes later (more or less) and realize you have lost these minutes to something quite unnecessary. Still you feel an urge and a longing for the next episode. It is a great way to escape reality or maybe even relax for a bit, but sometime you have to wake up and return to the present.

Why you get so attached or maybe even addicted to certain TV series I believe is because of the well developed characters. By watching a show a couple of times and especially for several seasons I feel you get to know each individual and create some kind of relationship towards them. This is not possible when they exist only on the screen you so frequently end up watching, but in a way they become your “friends” and people you can rely on from time to time.

One of my all time favorite sitcoms take place in a hospital and is called Scrubs. Why I like this show is first and foremost because it is hilarious. Also the characters have such strong features. The main character for example is a young man who constantly find himself wandering away in his thoughts. And these thoughts are nothing but ordinary, they are very bizarre and imaginative. I think the best way to get a glimpse of what it is really about is to watch it yourselves. Despite all the jokes and funny sketches you get to experience a lot of emotional scenes without it getting tacky. And this is another thing about the show that really makes it worth watching. One minute you have eyes filled with tears of laugh and the next one you cry your eyes out when something sad happens. It is a nice kind of balance so the content don't fly away entirely from reality.

Maybe some people today watch a bit to much TV and spend to little time doing other kinds of activities together with friends and family. I don't say you should abstain watching your favorite TV series or a movie once in a while, but maybe skip some of those hours you watch something just because you can't think of anything better to do. Or worse, you escape significant tasks your schedule actually have worked out fore you. It is just a bad way of escaping reality.

söndag 5 april 2009

Blog Assignment #1: Childhood Memories

I feel that todays society force children to grow up way too fast. They are in fact just children and should be able to be for as long as possible. I remember when I was younger and just wanted to grow up at once. Looking back at this time of my life today, I realize how great it was being a child and just living for the moment. Getting older you automatically get more and more responsibilities and obligations. I believe it is in the hands of parents and adults to encourage children to play and have fun. They listen to adults and have them as their role models, so of course they want to be like them.

I have thought a lot about this new trend that everybody, even small children, get to have a cellphone. It may seem like quite an innocent little thing but why would a five year old need to be available for a call at all times? If it is that necessary, they can just borrow their parents phone. What happens is they get just as stressed out as adults, always having a nagging feeling that they need to answer the phone and bring it everywhere. You never get time off. The children copies the grownups behavior which leads to stress, and you shouldn't have to feel like that at such young age. I believe there are lots of similarities to this scenario and other things you get put through in the everyday life. If we adults don't acknowledge these problems, children wont be able to avoid them either.

My idyllic way of growing up is for the children to experience the world. Not through a TV or a computer but through their eyes and their hands, for real I mean. And as I mentioned before, the adults are the ones that have to make this happen. I don't think children are easily bored. They almost always find ways to entertain themselves so taking away video games and cutting down on time spent in front of the TV, will only spur them to use their own imagination and through this also stimulate their the brain in a better way.

To conclude, I don't know if there is some special experience children need as they grow up. I think they will do just fine with the things they have got, just as long as they are treated good and get to be children until they are ready to deal with the adult life.