söndag 26 april 2009

Blog Assignment #2: The Fascination of a TV series

What most TV series have in common is that you easily fall into some kind of trance when you watch them and then wake up 30-50 minutes later (more or less) and realize you have lost these minutes to something quite unnecessary. Still you feel an urge and a longing for the next episode. It is a great way to escape reality or maybe even relax for a bit, but sometime you have to wake up and return to the present.

Why you get so attached or maybe even addicted to certain TV series I believe is because of the well developed characters. By watching a show a couple of times and especially for several seasons I feel you get to know each individual and create some kind of relationship towards them. This is not possible when they exist only on the screen you so frequently end up watching, but in a way they become your “friends” and people you can rely on from time to time.

One of my all time favorite sitcoms take place in a hospital and is called Scrubs. Why I like this show is first and foremost because it is hilarious. Also the characters have such strong features. The main character for example is a young man who constantly find himself wandering away in his thoughts. And these thoughts are nothing but ordinary, they are very bizarre and imaginative. I think the best way to get a glimpse of what it is really about is to watch it yourselves. Despite all the jokes and funny sketches you get to experience a lot of emotional scenes without it getting tacky. And this is another thing about the show that really makes it worth watching. One minute you have eyes filled with tears of laugh and the next one you cry your eyes out when something sad happens. It is a nice kind of balance so the content don't fly away entirely from reality.

Maybe some people today watch a bit to much TV and spend to little time doing other kinds of activities together with friends and family. I don't say you should abstain watching your favorite TV series or a movie once in a while, but maybe skip some of those hours you watch something just because you can't think of anything better to do. Or worse, you escape significant tasks your schedule actually have worked out fore you. It is just a bad way of escaping reality.

1 kommentar:

  1. Content: You answered the question, you added reflections and personal thoughts. If you do that you get an interesting text according to me.
    Structure: you start and end with good paragraphs.
    Language: I’m not a good speller so giving you advice about our text is hard. But according to me you’re doing a good job! 
    Over all it was interesting reading and for this time I don’t have anything to add.
