söndag 3 maj 2009

People need to change

When I was younger you could play around in the snow during the winters. Most years we had a white Christmas. The last couple of years I'm sad to notice that it has taken longer and longer for the snow to set. Also there is not nearly as much snow as it was and you can notice it is in fact getting warmer. We still have winters and cold weather but the thing is that it is hard to ignore the signs. The climate is not quite the same as it was about ten years ago and that is what I call fast changing. Even though the warnings and our changing surrounding people have mange to suppress the facts.

Why I think people have closed their eyes to the truth is because they are afraid. They are afraid of change and they are scared of what's happening. If what the scientists are telling us is correct, the future we are heading towards is not a pleasant one and therefore I think people shut their ears and mind to get through the day as usual.

It is like a bad dream, somewhere in the back of your mind you know it is not for real. The only difference in this case is that it in fact is for real and you are already awake. Some people hope they will wake up tomorrow and all will be peace and calm but sadly this will not happen. While some people still are asleep others have now started to awake and are adapting to the situation. Still we are miles away from making the progress we should and I hope it wont be too late before real change will be made.

There are many factors to why it has taken so long for the acknowledging of the environmental problem we are facing. Great politicians have for a long time told the world that global warming is something made up and scientists have been saying the climate is changing like it has done throughout the beginning of the earth. And of course there is some truth to what they say but when it has happened as quick as we have noticed these last couple of years, something is wrong. But how should people who are not scientists or politicians, know how to sort the truth out in this mess? I think the closed eyes are partly to blame because of bad role models.

Still everyone is a villain in this tragedy. Would we give up all our abundance conveniences today if we knew that it would save the environment? Could we give up TV, cars, junk food, party clothes? Sadly this is the biggest issue standing in the way of changing things to the better. Me myself recycle and take the bike or bus to work and to school. But is it enough and what can a small person like me do with almost no influence in our society? I think the higher level of authority need to take the biggest leap to get the rest of the population to change and realize what we need to sacrifice. But it is to much at stake for anyone to begin. We have to change to be able to keep our planet a continuance liveable place. And the question is if we will wake up before it is to late.

2 kommentarer:

  1. This is a beautifully written text and I enjoy reading it. Anyway I found out some mistakes or things to improve.
    At the end of the first paragraph I would add “fast changing climate”. In the last sentence of the same paragraph I think you wanted to write managed instead of “mange”.
    Besides this I think in the second paragraph
    it could be better to write what is happening instead of the short form.
    It is not correct to write “Me myself”, it doesn´t make sense.
    All in all this is a really good piece of text, your structure is clear and your vocabulary accurate, nevertheless I would suggest to clarify a bit the conclusion, since there are many questions with no a clear answer.

    Kind regards.

  2. Nicely written. You make a clear statement of your opinion with good language throughout the text. It was only in the last paragraph I found some flaws (I think...)

    1)I don't believe "a continuance liveable place" is correctly written, but I don't know how it is supposed to be.
    2)I think it is "I myself", not "me myself".
    3)When you list things we have to give up, the last comma should be either "and" or "or", depending of what meaning you would like the sentence to have.
    4)That you are a small person means that you are short or little. I think you mean something like insignificant, but thats just a guess.

    Anyway, keep it real!
