söndag 17 maj 2009

How would you like to be watched all the time?

I don't like the idea of being watched at all times. Somehow it would feel a bit uncomfortable to always know someone could find out where I am and what I am doing at the moment. I have nothing to hide but still I want my privacy. If I can't live a life where I feel comfortable I'm quite certainly I won't enjoy the security either. I'm not even sure I would be safer in a world where anyone could know what I am doing without my notion.

Because of all terrible things happening today it's still not that strange that countries want to increase national security. One big incident influencing the entire world was the eleventh of September 2001 when terrorists hijacked four aeroplanes and flew them into several buildings in the United States. Not only did these actions chock many people but it made a great deal of change in economic-, politic-, social-, cultural- and military questions, even in countries other than the US. I believe this was the start-off to extreme heightens of security all around the world.

Of course there are both ups and downs to this matter. If you picture a scenario where a big terrorist attack can be prevented with the help of extensive surveillance, then sure, “big brother” is a positive method. The downside is that your privacy is virtually gone. Will it continue to the extent that the governments starts placing cameras in our homes to prevent domestic abuse and such problems? Where do we draw the line to where this surveillance should occur; in public places like parks and squares or just municipal buildings? This may be the biggest question and the most important one for all individuals. In my opinion, stricter border control, higher security at airports and surveillance cameras in public places is fine by me, but I would not like to take it any further.

Sadly we live in a world where crime is a part of society. We will never get away from this, not even with better national security. For this to happen we would no longer be able to live our lives as we please. Someone or some authority would have to control each one of us so that we don't do anything we shouldn't, and then I ask myself, who would these persons or person be that make the decision about what is right and what is wrong? At this stage we have left democracy a long time ago and ended up somewhere far away.

There is no simple solution to this topic. No one can in advance find out what the outcome will be to any of the scenarios. Maybe crime and terrorism could be prevented and stopped by complete surveillance. Wouldn't that be the dream! Still, what will we do if it all turns into a nightmare? I honestly think we have a reasonable situation already. The world will never be a perfect place and there will always be cruelty. It feels wrong to say it but I think we just have to deal with it.

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